Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wild Wild West

Boy did we have a wild time on rodeo day! We got a head start on Wednesday by making our ridin' horses so they'd be ready to go on Thursday! We named our horses and introduced them to the class. We also said "Howdy" to one another during our handshake greeting instead of "good morning". We watched a cool video clip called "The Real American Cowboy". It told us all about cowboys.. why they wore wide brimmed hats and bandanas, what their job was and much much more. We also learned that cowboys were good at braiding so Mrs. McCoy gave us all some yarn and taught us how to braid! It took a lot of concentration, but we were so proud when we were able to braid by ourselves! We even took pictures with our horse in front of cool wild west scenes. We put our horses in their "stables" (cubbies) to rest while we went to music and lunch. After lunch we had to round up some cattle on our cattle drive, and then we went on a trail ride around the school. We visited some other classrooms including our buddies and the gym too! Then we took our horses out onto the patio 9under the overhang since it was raining) and we had some horse races! The our horses needed to get drinks of water from the stream! After recess we wrote some awesome Wild West stories and shared them with the class. Finally to end our day we tried out our Ropin' skills! It's much harder than it looks to lasso a "cow" or horse as we used today! It was a rip roarin' good time!

Wanted: First Graders

These are some wanted first graders! If you see them around please turn them in! And check out their "Wanted" posters in the hallway outside our room!